Monday, February 15, 2010

Old Fashion Tech Decks If Witches & Aliens Were To Meet In The Sky, Old Fashion Spell -vs- Ultra Modern Tech, Who Wins?

If witches & aliens were to meet in the sky, old fashion spell -vs- ultra modern tech, who wins? - old fashion tech decks

Hahaha,,,, what happened, go to the Society and Culture> Myth & Folklore, questions and answers were great,,,,

Questions such as,,,, ...


Nora G said...

and therefore I must remain in this Category.
What ur?, I think that technology would win if the witch deking great skill.

Live fast, die young said...

Aliens kicks ***

silentje... said...

Aliens, witchcraft is wrong because, like any other religion)

crazyazz... said...

I mean, aliens! BTW ...... liked your answer girl. Favorite em both for ya!

Purple Rain said...

Foreigners, because the roots withces and frogs and things that do not have to be found in the sky

The Don: in thought said...

Depending on the witch. like Sabrina? Glenda? or bad, or west?

Princess Rita said...

The Witches of safe, hands down.

JanetB1 said...

After reviewing your answer and gave the thumbs up. I liked your answer. What can I say, as you said it all. hugs

toocoolr... said...

I bet my witches.

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